Code of ethics and
professional conduct
Employees, coordinators, managers, partners and everyone who is part of the Soluparts community are committed to our values and principles. This positioning is responsible for maintaining a friendly and healthy environment that results in a higher quality of our work.
This Code of Ethics and Professional Conduct assures ethics continues to guide all of our actions and our company’s growth, not only today, but for years to come. It reflects the conduct that best represents the professional ethics of our company and the performance of each professional.
Soluparts believes each professional must be the protagonist of his career, therefore, everyone is responsible for practicing the commandments of the present document on a daily basis, in addition to presenting it to new members of the team and external stakeholders.
An exemplary conduct is part of our culture, being experienced at all times.
1. Respect
We respect human rights and do not allow any form of exploitation or discrimination in our activities and environment.
We respect individual capacities and limitations in every work relationship.
We repudiate behaviors of moral or sexual harassment. We actively protect the rights and dignity of our employees, rejecting any action that might violate their rights or harm their physical or mental health.
We are committed to report any form of harassment episode to the Human Resources team.
We respect the freedom of speech and the freedom of political and religious association of every member of our community. We respect and welcome different cultures and ways of thinking. However, Soluparts, as an organization, does not contribute or identify itself with any specific political or religious belief.
2. Inclusion of diversity
We make no distinction of race, gender, disabilities, nationality, age, culture, religion, social position, marital status, union status, sexual orientation, education level, political or ideological convictions, treating everyone with dignity, justice and respect.
We value dialogue and diversity and are committed to developing the talents and potential of each and every member of our team.
3. Understanding and kindness
We are responsible for having collaborative attitudes, being always committed to supporting a colleague in the face of a challenge (personal or professional).
We value behaviors and attitudes that aim to promote a pleasant, positive and welcoming atmosphere in our workplace.
We are responsible for sharing knowledge that contributes to the collective development, enhancing the performance of the group as a whole.
4. Commitment
We are committed to the development of the company and the advancement of the career of each member of Soluparts‘ team. Freelancing work outside Soluparts is allowed, however, it cannot compromise the performance during Soluparts working hours and it cannot be related to any competitor or supplier.
We are bound to dedicate ourselves to the maximum during our working hours and to overcome challenges in order to deliver an excellent service to our customers.
5. Protection of the company’s reputation
We understand Soluparts as being the conjunct of people who work here. Consequently, we care for the image of the group what results in the reputation of the company, not defaming or doing anything that could harm our honor.
We know that, although Soluparts encourages the free expression of ideas, our public manifestations directly influence the image of the company and, therefore, of other team members. Thus, we are aware of how we position ourselves socially.
6. Impartiality and secrecy
We assist customers and suppliers impartially and free from prejudice of any kind, strictly obeying the laws of each country and international agreements.
We do not share information with third parties and we prioritize and practice information security. We do not receive any type of advantage in any negotiation and under any circumstances, when making decisions in the exercise of our function, we consider the company’s interests exclusively.
We are responsible for our actions and we value reliability and honor our commitments in accordance with our conscience.
We do not offer services to or invest in competitors. Any employee is allowed to accept gifts from customers or suppliers that are over US$ 100.00.
7. Sustainability
We understand the impact that an organization has on the environment and society around it. For this reason, we are committed to transforming our impact into a positive one, based on sustainability and respect for the environment and the development of people and the community of which we belong.
We adopt a conscious consumption of materials, water and electricity.
We stand for sustainable development and protection of the environment. We encourage the participation of each member of our team in social causes and NGOs that contributes to the development of our community.